New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyers Discuss Medical Dental Malpractice

Dental malpractice occurs when a patient has suffered injury or lasting harm as the result of being incorrectly, or negligently treated by their dentist. A dentist has a legal responsibility to comply with the standard of care for treating patients, and can be held liable if a patient is harmed as a result of his or her actions. If this has happened to you, you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries.

Dentistry is a complex and difficult practice. There are many things that can go wrong while undergoing a dental procedure. Some examples are:

If you have suffered lasting harm or injury under the care of your dentist, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced medical malpractice attorney. They will examine your unique situation to determine if you may be entitled to compensation.

The first step in this process is to prove medical negligence, or breach in the standard of care. Standard of care refers to the level of care that can be expected from most other dentists with similar education or experience, and in the same geographic location. Your attorney may consult with trained medical experts in order to determine what the appropriate standard of care would be for your situation, and if and how your dentist failed to meet that standard of care.

After it can be reasonably determined that a breach of standard of care has occurred, the next step is to link the breach with the injury you’ve sustained. A breach in standard of care does not always result in injury, and injury is not always the result of negligence. In order to seek compensation for damages, it is essential to prove that the injury or harm was a direct result of your dentist’s negligence, and not a known or expected side effect of your treatment. Finally, your medical dental malpractice attorney will work with you to determine your damages.

New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP Advocate for Victims of Medical Dental Malpractice

If you believe you have been the victim of medical dental malpractice, the New Jersey personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys of Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow are here to help. Our seasoned and professional team will work to ensure that you receive the maximum award allowed under the law. With offices in Edison and Red Bank, we represent clients throughout New Jersey on a contingency fee basis. Call us today at 732-777-0100 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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