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$51,000,000 Verdict Against a Pharmaceutical Company for Price Manipulation

These cases involved an allegation against several drug manufacturers for over charging Pennsylvania Medicare and Medicaid recipients. Under contract these drug consumers, in order to be eligible for reimbursement, were required to sign a contract ­­mandating the drug companies to provide the Commonwealth of PA with the lowest prices available.

Plaintiff counsel, Barry R. Eichen, of Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP, was retained by co-counsel, Don Haviland as well as the Commonwealth of PA, due to his trial experience. After two consecutive 3-month trials, Plaintiffs were able to prove that several of these drug companies had in fact, failed to comply with the terms of their contract to provide the lowest prices available. Plaintiff counsel, Barry R. Eichen, of Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP, was in trial for a total of 6 months before obtaining a $51 million verdict as well as a $27 million verdict against two of the drug companies.