New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyers Discuss Injuries Resulting from Forceps and Vacuum Extraction

During the childbirth process, there are times when the baby does not progress through the birth canal and medical intervention is needed to assist in the final stage of a vaginal delivery. In situations wherein the baby is in a head-down position, there are two methods used to help deliver the baby. Vacuum extraction and forceps both involve gently grasping the baby’s head in order to help the baby through the birth canal. Unfortunately, both of these methods can result in injuries to the baby, ranging from minor bruising to serious, even fatal injuries.

Risks Associated with Forceps Delivery

Forceps are curved metal tongs that are used to gently pull the baby down the birth canal in an effort to assist in the final stages of birth. Doctors have been using this tool for centuries, but there are some common injuries that are associated with the use of forceps. Bruising or scrapes on the baby’s scalp are the most common type of birth injury. These are usually cosmetic in nature and tend to heal within a couple of weeks. In more severe cases, it can lead to permanent disfigurement. Another more serious injury is what is known as shoulder dystocia, or Erb’s Palsy, which is when the nerves of the shoulder are damaged as a result of a rushed delivery using forceps. In some cases, the nerves repair themselves, but oftentimes surgery is required to repair the damage.

Risks Associated with Vacuum Extraction

There are two types of vacuum extractions used by doctors to help the delivery process. The soft cup method is gentler on the baby’s scalp and on the mother’s body, but it has a higher risk for detachment during extraction. The metal cup method is more likely to cause bruising or trauma to the scalp, but it tends to be more reliable. Pressure and suction must be properly monitored at all times.

A more serious, life-threatening injury from a vacuum extraction is a subgaleal hemorrhage, which occurs when there is bleeding between the scalp and skull, which causes the head to swell. A newborn with this condition should receive medical treatment as soon as possible to avoid anemia, seizures, shock or death.

Legal Liability for Injuries

If your baby was injured during childbirth as a result of a vacuum extraction or the use of forceps, the doctor or midwife who delivered your child could be held liable. It is important to discuss the circumstances that would require the use of forceps or a vacuum extraction with your physician.

New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyers at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP Represent Victims of Birth Injuries

 If you feel that your medical professional is responsible for injuring your baby as a result of forceps or vacuum extraction, contact our New Jersey birth injury lawyers at Eichen Critchlow Maslow & Elroy, LLP. We will examine the details of your case and determine the best course of action. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team will fight for you and ensure that you receive the best possible financial compensation. Our offices are located in Edison, Toms River, and Red Bank where we serve clients throughout New Jersey. For a free consultation, call us today at 732-777-0100 or contact us online.