Household Products

New Jersey Dangerous Household Products Attorneys

Protecting your rights when you are injured by defective products in the home

Because of advances in science and manufacturing, we have a great variety of products to choose from when shopping. However, dangerous household products are all too common in today’s society, as we hear about from various product recalls every year.

Manufacturers and vendors of products containing dangerous chemicals or other hazardous components owe a duty of care to potential customers. If products do not have clear, prominent warning labels and people are injured while using them in reasonable manners, the injury victims may bring claims for compensation against those who made and sold the products.

Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP has made a name for itself as a leading New Jersey product liability law firm. We work to protect the rights of people injured by defective products, including household products. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and jury verdicts on behalf of victims of negligence, including significant product liability cases.

Statistics about household products and personal injury

Household chemicals and items in medicine cabinets are particularly hazardous to both children and adults. Children are particularly vulnerable to risks posed by dangerous chemicals and medications in homes. Safe Kids USA reports that 62,263 children age 14 and younger visited the ER in 2018 for unintentional poisoning.

Injury Facts reports these trends in consumer product injuries:

  • There were a reported 13,464,372 consumer product injuries in 2019
  • The top three consumer product-related injuries are from:
    • Stairs, landings, ramps and floors
    • Beds, mattresses, and pillows
    • Chairs, sofas, and sofabeds
  • The top product risks to children aged 0 to 4 are:
    • Soaps and detergents
    • Television sets and stands
    • Cooking ranges and ovens

The list of potential defective household products is endless; however, there tend to be some common culprits when it comes to consumer injuries.

What are some common defective household products?

Dangerous products usually end up in the home because something went awry between the initial proposal for a product and the sale of a product. Sometimes a defective product causes no injuries and is more of an inconvenience. However, some defective household products have the potential to cause serious injury if they malfunction or fail. Examples include:

  • Exercise equipment
  • Grooming and hygiene items (curling irons, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Heavy furniture
  • Home appliances
  • Lawn mowers and gardening equipment
  • Over-the-counter drugs and medicine
  • Power tools
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

When you buy a product, use it per the instructions and for its intended use, and suffer an injury, you may be eligible for a product liability claim. These types of claims, however, can be complex. The New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP can guide you through the process with confidence.

What kinds of injuries can defective household products cause?

Most household items have some level of danger – gas stoves have open flames, after all – but a defect can increase the risk of serious injuries. Among the most common are:

  • Burn injuries
  • Asphyxiation/oxygen deprivation
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Crushed bones
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Digit or limb loss
  • Lacerations
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Lacerations

What are the three types of household product defects?

When putting together a successful product liability claim, you must show that you or your loved one were injured by a product because it was either made improperly, or did not come with proper warnings. Our attorneys work to show one of these three product defects:

  • Design defect. This means the inherent design of the product was unsafe. Every single version of the product will be dangerous, as its original and intended design was dangerous from the start.
  • Manufacturing defect. With this type of defect, something went wrong during production. The product manufacturer may have strayed from the original design, resulting in an unsafe product.
  • Warning defect. A warning defect means that the product was designed and manufactured as intended, but the product was dangerous in a different way, and did not contain warning labels noting that danger. This is usually because the danger is not obvious and the consumer may not know to avoid certain uses or behavior regarding the product. Proper labeling and warnings can prevent injuries.

Our New Jersey lawyers will determine which product defect resulted in your injury.

What are the three types of NJ product liability claims?

One of the reasons we call product liability claims complex is due to the different theories of liability. You may be eligible to bring a claim against a party based on one of the following:

  • Strict liability. With strict liability, you do not have to prove negligence. Rather, you are stating that the product was so hazardous that the party is liable simply by bringing it to market.
  • Negligence. This means you are holding the other party liable because their negligence led to your injuries. You are alleging they did not hold up their duty to consumers by allowing a dangerous product on the market.
  • Breach of warranty. A breach of warranty means that you are stating the party did not hold up explicit or implied warranties or promises it made regarding the product.

What is my household product liability claim worth?

When we take your claim, we work to secure compensation for your injuries and losses, including:

  • Medical bills, current and future
  • Loss of wages and future earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial expenses, in cases of wrongful death

We understand the pain and frustration of experiencing an injury that was not your fault. When product manufacturers cut corners, consumers suffer. Our attorneys will fight to protect your rights.

Advocating for NJ consumers injured by dangerous household products

From offices in Edison and Toms River, our lawyers at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP advise and represent clients in personal injury and wrongful death cases throughout New Jersey. We welcome the opportunity to evaluate your dangerous product case. You can reach our law office at 732-777-0100 or contact us online to request a free consultation.