Lead Paint Poisoning

New Jersey Premises Liability Lawyers

Representing Lead Paint Exposure Victims

Lead Paint Exposure

Although the dangers of lead paint have been common knowledge for quite a few years, lead paint poisoning still occurs. In recent years, more than 10,000 New Jersey children per year have tested with confirmed elevated levels of blood lead. Many of them live in pre-1950s housing. Common sources of lead poisoning include:

  • Antique toys
  • Imported lead toys
  • Lead plumbing
  • Paint chips
  • Playground equipment dating from before 1978
  • Private wells
  • Soil contaminated by leaded gasoline

People who have been exposed to lead paint often have no symptoms for a number of years. For this reason, if you discover that your child has been around lead paint, it is recommended to have a diagnostician evaluate levels of lead in the blood. At more advanced stages of lead paint poisoning, you or your doctor may suspect lead poisoning on the basis of symptoms such as:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Headaches
  • Learning disabilities
  • Lethargy
  • Paralysis
  • Seizures
  • Tremor

Whether in a child or an adult, a diagnosis of probable lead paint poisoning is cause for an investigation. Contact the highly skilled and knowledgeable NJ personal injury lawyers at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP, regarding a potential injury claim related to lead poisoning. Attorneys at our New Jersey premises liability law firm have won the respect of insurance companies, judges and juries. We can get to the bottom of the chain of command among potential liable parties in your case, including:

  • Child care providers
  • Inspectors
  • Maintenance company
  • Property owner or manager

New Jersey Injury Lawyers at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP  Representing Plaintiffs In Cases Involving Lead Poisoning In Children

If a doctor has told you that you or your child is suffering from lead poisoning, New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP can evaluate your case. From offices in Edison and Toms River, our lawyers advise and represent clients in premises liability litigation matters throughout New Jersey, including wrongful death claims. Call us at 732-777-0100or contact us online to arrange a free consultation with  a reputable New Jersey personal injury lawyer.